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Rubio Comments On Obama’s Lack Of ISIL Strategy

Jun 9, 2015 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement regarding new reports that ISIL terrorists have captured over 80 Eritrean Christians in Libya, just a day after President Obama admitted he still does not have a strategy for dealing with the terrorist group:
‎“For more than a year now, the entire world has seen the face of evil through the so-called Islamic State, which has overrun cities, massacred tens of thousands of innocent people, desecrated religious sites and tried to wipe out Christians from the cradle of Christianity. And yet, President Obama still has no strategy to destroy this dangerous terrorist group that threatens global stability and safety, and has pledged to do harm to Americans and our interests around the world.
“As I have been calling for since ISIL’s initial gains in Iraq last year, we need to increase our targeting of ISIL’s positions in Iraq and Syria, prevent the group from gaining additional resources and fighters from abroad, and work more closely with our regional, Kurdish and Sunni partners to confront this challenge. All of these actions will require U.S. leadership, and that is what has been sorely lacking from this President.‎”
In the Washington Post recently, Rubio reiterated the need for a U.S. strategy for dealing with ISIL before it expands further beyond Iraq and Syria.