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Rubio Comments On Assassination Of Russian Opposition Leader

Feb 28, 2015 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued the following statement regarding the assassination of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov:

“I am saddened by the murder of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov. Mr. Nemtsov consistently stood up for the right of the Russian people to enjoy freedoms that are inalienable and to rid Russia’s government of the corruption that fuels despotism.

“His death comes just days before he was to lead an anti-war rally in Moscow opposing Russia’s continued intervention in Ukraine – an intervention in a sovereign neighbor that is sending Russian soldiers, who were deployed to fight a war their leaders won’t even admit to waging, home in body bags.

“Just over one year ago, thousands of Ukrainians braved sniper fire in Kyiv on the Maidan to bring down their government, many paying the ultimate price. Like those brave Ukrainians who sacrificed themselves for their countrymen’s future, Boris Nemtsov understood what Putin, Yanukovych, and other ruthless dictators around the world have failed to learn until it is too late. Freedom will eventually prevail. People will eventually break free of the bonds imposed by illegitimate rulers. Despite their best efforts at self-preservation, corrupt and dictatorial regimes all fail and fall. Vladimir Putin’s day is coming, but it is very tragic that Boris did not live to see that day.

“I will work to make sure that the U.S. uses all available tools to ensure that Boris’s murder is fully investigated and that the killers are brought to justice, no matter where the trail may lead. We must redouble our efforts to bring closer the day that the Russian people are free.”