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PHOTO RELEASE: Rubio, Ambassador Of Jordan Discuss Crisis In Syria

Jun 4, 2014 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Select Committee on Intelligence, today met with the Ambassador of Jordan, Dr. Alia Hatoug Bouran. During the meeting, Rubio and the Ambassador discussed their shared concern over the ongoing crisis in Syria, and the impact the country’s ongoing civil war is having on both Jordanian and U.S. interests.

Rubio also raised concerns over President Abbas’ recent announcement regarding the new Hamas-backed Palestinian unity government. On Monday, Rubio called on the Administration to halt and review U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority following the new government’s formation.

“Given ongoing uncertainty and instability in the Middle East, America’s partnership with Jordan is one that I value greatly,” said Rubio. “Ambassador Bouran’s visit further confirms the growing threats we face from the ongoing conflict in Syria, and the urgent need for a more meaningful response from the Obama administration.

“Despite the immense burden placed on Jordan by the flow of refugees from Syria, I commend the government’s efforts to assist their Syrian neighbors in their time of need and will continue to support U.S. assistance to the Government of Jordan for this purpose,” added Rubio.

Below are photos from Rubio’s meeting with Ambassador Bouran (the pictures can be viewed in higher quality here):

6.4.2014 Jordan Ambassador 1

6.4.2014 Jordan Ambassador 2