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ICYMI: Rubio Warns of Catastrophe at the Border

Apr 12, 2022 | Comunicados de Prensa

Our southern border is already in crisis but if Biden can’t course correct, it will be a catastrophe
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
April 12, 2022
Fox News

…In just a few weeks, when President Biden ends Title 42 enforcement at the border, we will see hundreds of thousands more illegal immigrants arriving in communities throughout the U.S….
President Biden’s decision is reckless, dangerous, and deeply irresponsible. Border officials can safely process roughly 3,500 migrants per day but are currently handling about 7,000. When Title 42 expires, that number could more than double, maybe even triple or quadruple….

Even a few Democrats recognize this insanity for what it is, and some have introduced legislation in the Senate to reestablish Title 42. However, the Democrats’ bill reeks of political cover, as opposed to a genuine course correction. 

For one, the bill only proposes a temporary extension of Title 42 and leaves the construction of a replacement plan to the White House’s discretion…. Furthermore, left-wing activists who hate Title 42 are already rationalizing the Democrats’ plan, suggesting it is a “classic Washington maneuver” to “placate … Republicans.” That should be a warning sign to everyone who cares about actually enforcing the law….

[W]hat people don’t realize is that border security isn’t just about legal text and fine print. It’s also about the impression that policymakers give migrants, smugglers, and cartels. And since before he was ever elected, Joe Biden’s message has been clear: “It’s open season for illegal immigration.”

Administration insiders will continue to send that message…until Congress forces them to do their job. That’s why I’ve introduced a bill of my own, one that will extend Title 42 for another three years — without a convenient workaround for forgoing enforcement…. 
Read the rest here.