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ICYMI: Rubio To Congress: Pass Anti-Zika Funds Now

Aug 8, 2016 | Comunicados de Prensa

Miami, FL U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today again called for Congress to come back and pass additional funding to combat the spread of the Zika virus, and for the Obama Administration to use every resource possible in the meantime.
Miami 610 WIOD Radio Interview with Jimmy Cefalo
August 8, 2016
Senator Marco Rubio: “To get the funding, we really need — Congress needs to come back and get something done, actually pass a bill that has more money. And I voted for literally every single bill that has come before Congress with Zika funding in it. So that’s why I am calling for Congress to go back this month and get it done quickly.

“We have to have a Plan B because the chances of that happening are not high. And the Plan B is to go ahead and fully utilize the funds that have already been made available for Zika — all of the Ebola money that was repurposed for Zika, go ahead and spend it all. And, in addition, try to find money in other parts of the federal government that can be moved towards Zika spending. And then, in September when Congress is back in, immediately pass the additional funding. You can reimburse obviously those agencies and pots of money that were taken in August. The important thing is that the money not dry up at the end of this month. That would be a real big problem.”

The full interview is available here.