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ICYMI: Rubio Joins Hannity

Feb 8, 2022 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Hannity to discuss the Left’s shift to reject capitalism in favor of socialism and the continued failure of socialism. See below for highlights and watch the full interview here.




On how Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s rejection of capitalism has become mainstream in the Democratic Party:
“I am not surprised by [Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez’] comments. Those comments are the mainstream of the Democratic Party. Either people believe that or they have to pretend they believe it… The [Democrats] woke up and decided Marxism was right all along and the Cold War should have never ended. 
“I don’t understand how people who feel that way don’t move to one of these other countries. There are so many other countries out there that actually agree with that sentiment about socialism being better than capitalism. 
“In the real world where I come from and the neighborhood I grew up in, the people I’ve grown up around, and my family, capitalism is not these big corporations. Capitalism is the small business owner. It’s the person who started it out of the basement of their home or garage and now owns a small business which employs people. 
“That’s not possible in any other system but the capitalist free enterprise system. That’s the only system in the world where it’s ever been possible that someone can help here legally and in a sport period of time own a business, control their own economic destiny, and provide for their families and jobs for others like them. 
“I think it’s a great debate to have. We should have it. It’s important to reinvigorate in every generation the belief in capitalism. This sort of rejection of capitalism and  embrace of socialism by [Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez], that’s now the mainstream of the Democratic Party.”
On the false promises of Socialism:
“Socialism is not about economics. It’s a big mistake that we make. It’s about power and the ability to control people. 
“If you control where people work, how much they make, and who owns what, then you can control what they say. You can control who they can hire, what they can sell, what they can do, and what hours they can be open. It’s about power. It’s about control. That’s what socialism has always been about. 
“Socialism is not possible without a government that actually controls every aspect of your life. I don’t think they are that troubled by inflation. I think they like that inflation has run amok and prices are high. It means they come in with the argument, ‘The market can’t provide for your needs. Only a government check can. Only government-guaranteed money can.’ It plays into their hands. 
“Socialism is not about economics. It’s about power and control. That’s why people flee from [socialist countries]. That’s why Miami has inherited eight hundred thousand to a million people from Latin America who flee socialism because it fails and destroys lives.”