Últimas Noticias

Hispanic Heritage Month

Sep 23, 2011 | Blog

Marco submitted the following statement for the Congressional Record commemorating the start of Hispanic Heritage Month.

“Mr. President, September marks the start of a month long celebration of the Hispanic community’s contributions to America’s exceptionalism and the strength of the common values that unite our nation.

“We celebrate a community whose accomplishments and stories remind us that the American Dream is as alive today as it has ever been.

“During this same time, our nation faces an unemployment rate of 9.1 percent, and the Hispanic community struggles with a rate over 11 percent. Now more than ever, we must fight for pro-growth policies that will allow my generation to continue the great tradition of leaving our children a stronger and more prosperous America than the one we inherited from our parents.

“Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate the American Dream. We celebrate people like my parents, who came from Cuba, worked hard and opened doors for their children that were closed to them. We celebrate a community where the number of young adults enrolling in college has grown by 349,000 in the last year. We salute the many Hispanic men and women fighting for our freedom in our armed forces. We also remember how lucky we are to live in a country where success is not limited by the circumstances of one’s birth.

“I am proud to be an American of Cuban descent, and today I would like to celebrate the many Hispanic Americans whose talents, accomplishments and cultures have strengthened America.”