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As President Pushes For Tax Hikes, Senator Rubio & Senate GOP Call For A Balanced Budget Amendment

Jun 29, 2011 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio released the following statement today in conjunction with Senate Republicans beginning a sustained campaign in support of a constitutional balanced budget amendment:

“Washington’s massive spending and fiscal mismanagement has gone on long enough, and it is time for a balanced budget amendment to be enshrined in our constitution,” Rubio said. “Our unsustainable debt and ever-rising deficits are not victimless practices—they cause uncertainty that is actively killing jobs and threatening to leave future generations stuck with the bill.

“A balanced budget amendment would end this harmful practice and finally bring accountability to the budget-making process. With a $14.3 trillion debt, Americans understand that Washington must end its addiction to ‘tax, borrow and spend.’ We can no longer afford it, and we owe it to the next generation of Americans to make this right.

“We do not need tax hikes to pay for Washington’s spending addiction. We need a President and Democrat Senate who will join Senate Republicans in supporting a strong balanced budget amendment that will handcuff out-of-control politicians.”